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All About The Durian


Durian, almost certainly the winner of the “World’s Smelliest Fruit Award” is a pungent,

custardy fruit and Hong Kong is mad for it!

The infamous durian – regarded by many as the king of fruits in of south-east Asia –  has more than thirty recognised types and is characterised by it’s spikey husk hence the name; duri means spike in Malaysian. It’s a seasonal fruit, typically at its best between June and August and is best known for its pungent smell; a little bit cheesy, a little bit waste bin; a hint of old sock. It was described first by the British naturalist Arthur Wallace, who was a soon to be convert but admitted a reluctance to sample it at first put off by the pungency of its odour, as ‘ambrosial’.

Anyway be warned! Don’t cut one open without telling people first! This is a fruit actually banned on Singapore's rail network and in many airports and hotels, but not at Hotel ICON where the craze for it brings guests from far and wide.

It’s not for everyone but those who have become fans say the flesh has an exquisite taste. Wallace thought it like custard with almonds and many agree. Hotel ICON recently held a successful Durian Afternoon Tea promotion which was booked out every single day and managed by our executive pastry chef, Danny Ho. Danny is so renowned for his skill in creating delicacies from the fruit that his three day intensive course teaching people how to create delicious desserts saw people staying at the hotel recently.

The durian can be transformed into cheesecakes, whipped up in ice creams and used for all sorts of pastry and confectionary. Every day at Hotel ICON we serve a variety of desserts made using durian in The Market, so if you feel like sampling the delicacy this is a great place to start!


Hotel ICON has long since developed a reputation for award winning pastries and afternoon teas with many special events held throughout the year at both Green and Above and Beyond.
For more information on our forthcoming food and beverage events please click here: https://www.hotel-icon.com/dining

