Dinner: 6:00pm – 10:30pm (Last Order at 10:00pm) Club Lounge: Open until 00:00
Takeaway: 11:00am - 2:00pm & 5:00pm - 8:30pm

Коллекция фирменных блюд от шеф-повара Пола Чой включает в себя среди прочих такие блюда, как хрустящая курица, жареный лобстер с яичным белком и черными трюфелями, жареный моллюск «Морское ушко» под соусом ХО с луковицами лилий и спаржей, жареные креветки с цедрой танжерина и ферментированными черными бобами. Меню ресторана Above & Beyond предлагает блюда из разных провинций Китая. Вдобавок к традиционным блюдам из меню, гурманы могут обратить свое внимание на дим самы. По выходным ресторан Above & Beyond продолжает серию своих популярных дим сам-обедов с 11:30 до 15:30. С чайником великолепного чая и прославленными дим самами от шеф-повара Пола Чой ваши выходные будут не похожи ни на одни другие. |
Signatories enter into a contract to use Club house venues constitute as a member of our Club house.

Having joined Hotel ICON in March 2016, Chef Chi Ki Wong was appointed to the position of Executive Chinese Chef of Above & Beyond in March 2019. Combining fresh, high-quality ingredients with seasonal specialities, Chef Wong creates exquisite Cantonese dishes to satisfy all palates.
With over twenty years’ experience in the kitchen, Chef Wong began his culinary repertoire in Hong Kong Golf Club, followed by an illustrious career honing his culinary skills at some of the most renowned Cantonese restaurants in Hong Kong’s top hospitality destinations including The Peninsula Hong Kong, W Hong Kong, The Kowloon Hotel and Harbour Plaza Hotels & Resorts, utilising his skills to scale greater heights and enable him to show his passion and determination in the food he delivers and the menus he creates.
Chef Wong’s menu continues to reflect his inspirations as he creates alluring, gastronomic fare. Many of his signature dishes, such as Smoked Pigeon with Oolong Tea and Wok-fried Lobster, Egg White and Black Truffle have become beloved favourites and the positive feedback motivates him to continue ideating new concepts and presenting top-notch dining experiences to guests.